Marvel Universe

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Marvel was established in 19 and eventually became the largest beast in the comicbook business.  
Marvel was founded in 1939 and eventually became the largest beast in the comicbook business.  
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==External links==
==External links==
*Marvel [ Comics]
*Marvel [ Comics]
[[Category: publishers]]
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Revision as of 23:13, 11 May 2009

Marvel Comics characters operate in a rather comprehensive universe of their own.

The Marvel not-so-secret files.



Marvel was founded in 1939 and eventually became the largest beast in the comicbook business.


The Marvel Universe is comprised of everything in our own reality plus superheroes, supervillains, and other suspensions of disbelief. These would include Captain America, the X-Men, and the Baxter Building. Like other publishers before and since, Marvel has created a number of alternate realities to expand their own narrative possibilities. There have even been a few crossovers into the DC Universe. Other than the superheroic people, places, and things, the Marvel Universe quite closely resembles our own underpowered one.


  • Here's where
  • a small list
  • will go.
  • or maybe just List of Superheroes
  • List of Supergroups

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