
From Encyclopedia Superheroica -the Encyclopedia of Superheroes

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A superhero is a character possessed of extraordinary power and disposed to acts of bravery. Of course, modern-day superheroes trace their lineage to Superman in 1938. It was immediately understood that these beyond-normal people needed paranormal wardrobes as well -for protecting their civilian identities, for protecting them from the environment, and for helping establish their stature. Their outfits become part of who they were. This is the synecdoche behind synonyms of the word superhero like "capes" and "masks". With the coming of Captain America (1941), and the X-Men (1963), the era of the costumed hero was assured. Everyone knows what a superhero is and, by 2006, almost everyone wanted to be one.

The most common inherent “powers” for superheroes include the following: superstrength, phenomenal intelligence, flight, projected energy blasts, regeneration, and psychic abilities. There are innumerable others. And otherwise-average superheroes will often gear-up with armor, high-tech gadgets, or become proficient in the martial arts. Somehow, someway, a superhero must be able to do what most ordinary civilians cannot. It must be noted that every superhero has a weakness though, some achilles heel which can be exploited by wrongdoers who discover it.

Superheroes must be powerful and they must also be committed to protecting their fellow citizens. While this commitment can be expressed simply by saving people from runaway trains or fire-engulfed buildings, most superheroes are compelled to fight societal evils as well. Costumed avengers thwart common criminals every day, but there are the occasional supervillains. If a superhero is particularly fortunate, there will be an arch villain, a personal nemesis that helps give deeper meaning to the mission of the superhero and challenges that hero to the ultimate reaches of their potential. Regardless of the situation, a superhero is expected to possess indomitable will and to persevere until the end.

The diverse array of superheroes reflects the society in which they live, so no simple adjective or phrase can accurately describe them all. Some are paragons of good and some are misanthropic vigilantes living on the edge of popular tolerance. Many are actually resented by the conventional law enforcement they seek to help. However, as long as their perceived intentions are good and they are at least moderately effective, they will continue to fit the commonly held cultural definition.

Superheroes and their deeds are usually portrayed in comic books or graphic novels. They easily made the jump into more sophisticated media like animation, motion pictures, television, and machinima. They have become ubiquitous in this Information Age. There are even superheroes in commercials and billboards.

While most superheroes have been fictional, there are many Real Life superheroes as well. These “Reals” have recently grown in prominence and, if you look around, can be found almost anywhere. Some patrol neighborhoods with the intention of establishing an active-enough presence to discourage the societal decay that thrives in public apathy. Some deliberately help those less fortunate with charity and respect. Still others go out looking for the one big score that will establish them on crime-fighting par with Spiderman or Wonder Woman.

Honorable Mentions

There are some who would insist that perhaps Gilgamesh (2700 BCE) was instead the first documented superhero. That ancient Babylonian did not, however, have a cape or mask or secret identity or any of the other contemporary accoutremonts that make the essential distinction between demigod and superhero. The same goes for Xena, etc.


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