Power Boy

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Power Boy is a young lad who, through the inspiration of his super family and the Real Life SuperHeroes movement, is encouraged to boldly go through a challenging medical condition that might bring ordinary men to quake in their boots.

Power Boy!



Baby Ben started with showing symptoms of muscle spasms, mild seizures, and language delays. Diagnosed with Adrenoleukodystrophy (aka ALD) at 18 months of age, he faced serious challenges from a very young age indeed. Enduring constant medical tests and treatment lead to inevitable moments of weakness wherein little Ben would cry and scream and fight any time when he came near the local clinic. His family and friends rallied around him though. His siblings formed a superhero team with him (the Fearsome Four) to give strength and his friends in the RLSH community empowered him with words of comfort. Ben himself soon became known far and wide as: Power Boy!


Based in Minnesota, Power Boy is still at the outset of his career as a superhero, but he's already been awarded membership in the Great Lakes Alliance of RLSH.

Stay strong!


Adrenoleukodystrophy awareness, Autism awareness, serving as a heroic example to others, and having fun doing it.


Power Boy loves comicbooks, and superheros. He loves to create and build things with Legos and anything else upon which he can get his hands. Favorite animals include whales and other sea creatures -especially sharks.


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