From Encyclopedia Superheroica -the Encyclopedia of Superheroes
This is an alphabetical list of major (and minor) superhero conventions. There is, to follow, a chronological breakdown and a geographic break down.
Contents |
- AdventureCon
- Albany Comic Con
- APE (Alternative Press Expo)
- Archon
- Ash Comic, Toy and Anime Show (bimonthly)
- Atlanta Comic Convention
- Baltimore Comic-Con
- Bay Area Comic Book Show
- Big Apple Con
- Boone NC Comicon
- Boston Comic Book and Toy Spectacular
- The Boston Comic Con
- Bowling Green Comic and Toy Show
- Buckeye Comic Con
- Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo
- Calgary Comic and Toy Expo
- Cape Girardeau Comic Con
- Comic Con (bimonthly)
- Central Canada Comic Con
- Charlotte Comicon
- (Wizard World) Chicago
- NJ Comic Book Expo (monthly)
- Collectible Nation Toys/Comics Show
- Collector's EXPO
- Columbus Toy and Comic Show
- Comic Book and Show
- Comic Book I-CON
- Comic-Con
- Comicpalooza
- Con Nooga
- ConnectiCon
- CreatureCon Orlando
- Daytona Beach Comic and Toy Show
- DragonCon
- The East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention
- The Edmonton Collectible Toy and Comic Show
- Emerald City ComiCon
- Evansville Comic Book Show
- Excalibur Con
- Fan Expo Canada
- Florida Supercon
- Free State FreeCon
- FX International
- Gem City Comic Con
- Greenville Comic Con
- Heroes Con
- Hickory Con
- Jetpack Comics Free Comic Book Day Festival
- JMV Comic Book Show Texas
- Kawaii-Kon
- Kids' Comic Con
- Kids Read Comics Convention
- Doherty's Pop Culture Extravaganza
- Lehigh Valley Comic Con (quarterly)
- Lexington Comic Book Show
- (Wizard World) Los Angeles
- Maine Comics Arts Festival
- MidwestComicBookAssociation Con
- MegaCon
- Mid-Ohio-Con
- Midsummers Expo comic and pop culture convention
- Mini MegaCon
- Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art Festival
- Morganton ComiCon
- Motor City Comic Con
- Murfreesboro Comic and Toy Show
- The Nashville Comic and Horror Festival
- The New England Fan Experience
- New York Comic Con
- Nola Comic-Con
- Oklahoma Classic Comic Book Show
- Omaha Comic Book Convention
- Philadelphia Comic-Con!
- (Wizard World) Philadelphia
- Phoenix Comicon
- Pittsburgh Comic & Collectible Show
- Pittsburgh Comicon
- Planet Comicon
- Pop Culture Collectibles Fair
- Pop Culture Con
- Puerto Rico Comic Con
- Quad Cities IA/IL Comic Book Convention
- Raleigh Comic Book Show
- Roanoke Valley Comicon
- Sac-Con
- Sakura-Con
- San Jose Super Toy, Comic and Record Show
- Saturday's Child Nostalgia Festival
- Scranton Comic-Con
- Seacoast Collectible Show
- Shoff Promotions Comic Book Show
- Silicon
- SoonerCon
- South Attleboro Comic, Card and Toy Show
- Southern Fried Comicon
- SPACE (Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo)
- SPX (Small Press Expo)
- Starfest (Comicfest)
- Steel City Con
- Stumptown Comics Fest
- Super-Con
- The Super Hero, Sci Fi, Toy and Horror Collectorfest
- Tampa Comic Book and Toy Con
- Tinley Park Comic Book Show
- Toledo Comic Con
- Toronto ComiCON Fan Appreciation Event
- The Ultimate Allentown Comic Convention
- The Virginia Comicon
- The Wayne Collectibles Show (monthly)
- Windy City Comicon
- Winter Fever Toy Show
- X-Trava Con (monthly)
- Zoloworld's Nostalgic Toy and Comic Extravaganza
- Zona Con
Cons, by Month
Cons, by Region
External links
Green Tentacles' News & Confinder
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