Biological Motivations

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Nothing says "villainy" like burning lungs, blistering skin, and mutagens.

From the pages of Popular Science.


Biological Agents

Superpowers are, of course, the extraordinary abilities possessed by superheroes and supervillains. Some get their powers from technology. Some get their powers from natural or supernatural sources. Whatever the case, Einstein was the first to suggest that there must be one unified theory that would explain them all. He did not find it in his lifetime, but as soon as a definitive explanation is found, we will include it here.

In the meantime, we are left to consider the possibilities. What exactly are these superpowers? Where do they come from and how do they work? What are the real effects of the actions of superheroes? Here are some of the leading theories.

The Federation of American Scientists

The FAS has created an internet resource for biosecurity policy, bioterrorism information, and biodefense research. The organizations listed there represent various perspectives on what actions individual scientists, research institutions, science journals, the public, and government can do to minimize the threat of bioterrorism while maximizing the benefits of life science research.
  • Biosecurity Education Portal
  • Biological Threat Agents Information
  • International Organizations
  • Introduction to Biological Weapons
  • Legislation, Executive Orders, and Treaties
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Reports
  • U.S. Government Agencies
  • University Policy Centers

The Official FAS Site

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