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Variable unrestricted leadership clandestine action network.



While the group's existence did not come to public attention until the early 1990s, organizational documents indicate that it owes it's philosophical origins to political theorists such as Halford Mackinder, Natan Sharansky, and Hawkeye Morrison.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, it was feared by some in the West that global proliferation of people with extraordinary abilities could threaten America's position as the sole political superpower. An elite few Americans involved in the "Compassionate Imperialism" movement formed an independent organization dedicated to maintenance of the status quo by any means necessary. This organization eventually became known as the Vulcans.

As a result of the American Constitutional Crisis of 2000, the Vulcans had firmly established themselves as a mainstream power. Through a series of carefully orchestrated international involvements, they a precarious new world order

While the public face of the organization has changed, the


It's been said that Vulcan philosophy has three primary tenets. That short list varies slightly depending on the multiple sources most often cited, but they each include some form of following: the embrace of pre-emptive action, the notion of an unchallengeable American superpowered hegemony, and the systematic exploitation of political weakness wherever it is to be found.



Cronies and Henchmen

Numerous and sundry appointments, all of whom serve at the pleasure of the Chief Executive, included but were not limited to:

  • Alberto Gonzales
  • Ari Fleischer
  • Scooter Libby
  • Michael Brown

Known Associates

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