The Interrogator

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"The Interrogator" is not actually a name he has chosen for himself, but he is an interviewer of real life superheroes.

Prepare to be interrogated!



Adolfo Rodri­guez Taboada (a.k.a. John Schneider) is a writer in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.


His (primarily Spanish) interviews at Masque Comics include:

  • Entrevista a un Superhéroe: Mr Silent
  • Entrevista a un Superhéroe 2: Doktor DiscorD
  • Entrevista a un Superhéroe 3: Tothian
  • Entrevista a un Superhéroe 4: Black Arrow
  • Entrevista a un Superhéroe 5: Geist

His (primarily English) MySpace interviews include:

  • Interview with Amazonia (RLSH)
  • Interview with Phantom Zero (RLSH)

See also

In addition to his regular duties interviewing superheroes, it appears that he is also in the process of chronicling a world war between the forces of villain Sir Edward Holst and hero Patrick Von Steiner. The byline on the website states that it is: "Battle for the New World. Collective newspaper in which the war will be narrated that will decide the destiny of the humanity." It is, however, in Spanish so hopefully you are either resourceful enough to be bilingual, fortunate enough to have a bilingual amigo, or have access to some other translation device.


His official space at MySpace
As interviewed himself at Masque Comics
Read also about his Planeta Inquietante
Translate at Babelfish

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