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The Vulcans are a secret society dedicated to maintenance of the 20th century status quo by any means necessary.

Vulcan is not a planet.




While the group's existence did not come to public attention until the early 1990s, organizational documents indicate that it owes it's philosophical origins to political theorists such as Halford Mackinder, Natan Sharansky, and Hawkeye Morrison.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, it was feared by some in the West that global proliferation of individuals with extraordinary abilities could threaten America's position as the sole national superpower. An elite few involved in the "Compassionate Imperialism" movement had already founded a Conservative thinktank (named after the Roman god of the forge) which was already influencing public policy. This organization was strategically positioned to seize upon the opportunities presented by the new world order.

Vulcan operatives roamed the corridors of power for a number of years, working in the background, establishing the political infrastructure that would eventually allow them to take over completely. It was through Constitutional crisis (during the Presidential election of 2000) that the Vulcans finally accomplished their goal of complete domination. They ruled the next eight years with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Extraordinary rendition, heightened Homeland Security, and a series of Patriot Acts were just some of the measures they implemented to preserve American supremacy -and their control over it.

Still, they wanted more. They could only push this phase of their master plan so far though. Having exhausted the more-obvious avenues of influence, they decided to go underground once more. As their terms in elected office expired, they "retired" from public life. No longer under constant scrutiny by the media or by other sovereign powers, the Vulcans have disappeared into the shadows where their mysterious agenda continues to unfold.


It's been said that Vulcan philosophy has three primary tenets. That short list varies slightly depending on the sources being cited, but they each include some form of following: the embrace of pre-emptive action, the notion of an unchallengeable American superpowered hegemony, and the systematic exploitation of political weakness wherever it is to be found. Image:v3hellscape.jpg


Dividers, not uniters, they rose to power by conquering disparate rivals until there was no longer any opposition standing in their way. Since coalition-building was almost impossible under these circumstances, unilateralism was required for their grander endeavors. Disinformation has also been a key tool in the arsenal of the Vulcans. And, ultimately, fostering a culture of fear made their reign more managable.



Cronies and Henchmen

Numerous and sundry appointments, all of whom serve at the pleasure of the Chief Executive, have included but certainly are not limited to:

  • Alberto Gonzales
  • Ari Fleischer
  • Scooter Libby
  • Michael Brown

Known Associates

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